Preparing students for success

World class online tutoring for SAT

Low SAT scores could mean missing out on your first college choice, or worse, you would miss out entirely. 

Melissa helps students throughout the Middle East with face-to-face online tutoring. Students that work with Melissa increase their SAT scores and often go onto great colleges and careers. 

Imagine approaching your SAT's with more confidence, better results and a great change at gaining admission to your dream college. With Score Smart SAT tutoring, it is possible. 

Melissa has helped over 100 international students in the Middle East achieve success by gaining admission into their first choice college. 

Schedule your first free lesson with Melissa now. Soon, you'll feel more confident and on your way to great SAT scores. 

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Your Tutor

Melissa has lived in the Middle East and taught at some of the best international schools in the region.

Over the last 5 years, Melissa has worked exclusively with international students in the Middle East.

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I had the absolute pleasure of having Melissa Daniels help me through the English portion of the new SAT, and I can honestly say that it was possibly one of the best decisions I have ever made.
International School of Arts and Sciences, Dubai: Student

Choose Score Smart and unlock access to a specialized and highly qualifed American tutor.
Your key to success. 


Ready to boost your SAT scores?
Work with SCORE SMART Tutoring

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1. Schedule your first lesson

Your first lesson is Free. Find out how easy it is to access a world class teacher and tutor in the privacy of your own home. 

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2. Start your customized test preparation

We'll work together to identify your goals and challenges. Each lesson will be designed just for you. 

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3. Enjoy great results

Before you know it, you will be approaching the SAT with more confidence and increasing your scores. 
